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curve BlogOverdrive is a web based service that will automatically add content to your blog from any RSS feed.
Most webmasters use it for SEO or Blog Marketing.
tick Blog Post Automator - Automatic Content

What is an automator?

A blog post automator is a tool which causes something to become automated. That fully describes what happens when you register for the handy tool available through The blog marketing assistance provided through this service is an outstanding source of unique and current posts to be associated with your blog, forum, emails or web pages. You establish the location and format for the blog content on your web page and in no time at all, you will be receiving dozens of fresh, interesting and accurate blog posts to encourage traffic flow to your site.

Does it require software?

The blog post automator requires no software originally and certainly not for patches or updates. It requires only that you be able to cut and paste a few lines of coding onto your web site. You can do some simple reformatting if you prefer so that the content feed blends right in with the rest of your web site. Other than that, there is no software required to be up and running in a matter of a few minutes.

How much does it cost?

One of the most amazing features about the blog post automator is that it is free. You don't pay for the first sixty blog articles that you receive each month. This is news about the products you sell or discuss on your web site. The keywords that you establish are what drive the content that you receive and these same keywords are what attract visitors to your web page. Because of the frequent updates, visitors keep coming back again and again because each time they do so, they will be finding new and different information.

Is it difficult to learn?

No, one of the wonderful factors about the blog post automator is that it is simple to register, set up keywords and place the blog content feed on your web site. Once the feed is there, you can enjoy the results in the same way visitors will see the links on your web page. Your information is always current and always accurate. 

Will I end up with a cookie cutter web page?
With the blog post automator in place, you are drawing from many different web sites using different styles and formats for the posts. This makes the content different for each web site or individual that requests the feed on a business or personal web site. In addition to the different keywords selected, thus bringing the feed from different pages, the content can be placed on your web page anywhere you like. You can also change font size, design and color.

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[CaRP] XML error: Undeclared entity error at line 8 - This appears to be an HTML webpage, not a feed.

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