Making money, lots of it, is possible even if it is with new blogs. And what a better time trying to earn money using free blogs than now. You can set a free blog account at the comforts of your own home, earn cash from it with hardly any sweat. Of course, it sounds like an exaggeration. It is as there are some important processes and tasks that you would have to go through in order for your free blogs to become a money making machine.
Start working on your free blogs?
To really earn some money with free blogs, you first have to decide which platform you would want to set your blog up. The one the most bloggers decide as the best is Wordpress. Blogs on Wordpress are known to be the most popular blogs, and they also tend to be given the highest ranking in the Google search pages as well as Yahoo! With this platform, anyone can create as many blogs as he can without even paying a dime.
Think of the best topic for your free blogs?
As soon as you open you blog account, you will have to decide on the topics or theme that you might want to discuss on your free blogs. It is imperative that you only pick the blog topic that you are very passionate about and really want to expound on and share your knowledge to your readers. Or at least you must have familiarity on the topic so that it is easy for you to churn out blog articles.?
Passion and interest make bloggers successful?
My most bloggers´ experiences, they tend to be more successful with their blogs if they are genuinely interested and passionate about the blogs´ topics. And don´t you think it just makes sense? So long as you love working on your blogs, even if you are not adept at putting down your thoughts into words that easily, surely a great article will come out naturally from you after some time, especially if you have the enthusiasm to create a great article out of your thoughts and experiences.?
If it so happens that you need some inspiration or source of information at the moment, you can try checking on Google for your blog topic and find interesting articles about it - taking it as a reference. And so before the day ends, you have a few working blogs, with some articles posted and ready to earn for you some blog dollars.?
Monetizing your free blogs
Of course, your free blog will not earn unless you monetize your blog or perhaps promote a certain product on it. You can try earning from Google Adsense by strategically placing specific ad units on your site. Clicks on such ad units will earn for you money, the amount of which depend on the cost of the keywords that you use in your blogs.?
Likewise, you can look for affiliate products that you can promote on your free blogs easily by checking on affiliate sites such as or ClickBank. These sites offer a lot of affiliate products that you can sell on your blogs.
You can make more money from free blogs if you load up your site with valuable and useful information on a regular basis. This will help you attract more traffic and pull up your search engine ranking. You can automatically add content to your blog without lifting a finger. Check out for more information.